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Sergey Melnik is a Sr. Principal Engineer at Amazon Web Services.

Prior to Amazon, Sergey spent 15 years at Google. He worked on query processing and storage in Spanner, a planet-scale transactional system that powers most of Google services and is available as a Cloud product. Before that, he led the development of the data analysis system called Dremel that was made publicly available as BigQuery, is a fully-managed, serverless data warehouse that enables scalable analytics over petabytes of data.

Before joining Google, Sergey was a researcher in the Database Group at Microsoft Research (2003-2008). His research focused on data integration, model management, object-to-relational and XML-to-relational mapping, and schema matching, much of it with Phil Bernstein and the Data Programmability team in SQL Server. Sergey was as a visiting researcher in the Stanford Database Group (1999-2002), working with Prof. Garcia-Molina and Prof. Wiederhold, and served as an invited expert at the World-Wide Web Consortium.

Sergey received best paper awards at SIGMOD, ICDE and OSDI conferences, 10-year Most Influential Paper Award from ICDE, VLDB Test of Time Award, SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award, and a best dissertation award from the German C.S. Society. He got an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Leipzig, Germany. 

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